By Concerned Veterans for America

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 27, 2014 Contact: Matt Schuck | (703) 307-1981                              


‘Vets on the Hill’ initiative urges reform of Veterans Affair

Arlington, VA – Veterans advocacy organization Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) announced today that the group’s Vets on the Hill 2014 initiative will be held in Washington, D.C. from April 1- 3.

 This “boots on the ground” operation will include an estimated 200 targeted meetings on Capitol Hill with Congressional members and staff, with a special focus on urging reform of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other items from their CVA legislative agenda. “CVA has been urging reform for years, now it’s time to take our message straight to Capitol Hill,” said Pete Hegseth, CEO of CVA. “On behalf of our growing membership of veterans and military families, we are going to send a clear signal—the status quo in Washington is unacceptable.” The Capitol Hill push is the next step in CVA’s VA Accountability Project, an initiative launched in February to build the case for reform and greater accountability at VA. Poor management and a dysfunctional bureaucratic culture at the department have resulted in a massive backlog of veterans’ benefits claims, long waits for services and a rash of preventable illnesses and deaths at VA facilities. In recent weeks, the organization has also hosted several “National Days of Action,” calling on hundreds of volunteers across the country to spread the word by making thousands of phone calls and writing hundreds of letters urging members of Congress to co-sponsor the VA Management Accountability Act of 2014. In addition to VA accountability, the teams will emphasize the need for spending reform at the Department of Defense, addressing weaknesses in the military voting system and restraining the national debt.

For more information, please contact Matt Schuck at or 703-307-1981. ###

Concerned Veterans for America is a non-partisan, non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization that advocates for policies that will preserve the freedom and liberty we and our families so proudly fought and sacrificed to defend.