CVA statement on Biden remarks around Afghanistan troop withdrawal

By Concerned Veterans for America

Grassroots veterans group urges POTUS to bring American troops home, end ‘forever war’


ARLINGTON, Va.—Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) Executive Director, Nate Anderson, on Thursday released the following statement after remarks from President Biden regarding a decision to possibly keep American troops in Afghanistan beyond May 1, breaching the deal struck in Doha between the United States and the Taliban:

“Keeping troops in Afghanistan beyond the May 1st deadline spelled out in the Doha agreement is a mistake that would needlessly keep American troops in harm’s way in support of a failed nation building exercise. A continued presence beyond the deadline would make diplomacy more difficult and sink us deeper into the conflict. Keeping faith with the Doha agreement is the best opportunity to end our entanglement in a war that does not serve our interests. We urge the president to listen to the overwhelming majority of the American people – including veterans and military families – who want to bring our troops home from Afghanistan.”



A full two-thirds of veterans and majorities of military families and the general public support full withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Iraq. A vast majority of the general public (80%) believe our military engagement around the world should be reduced or stay about the same. Only 6% believe we should be more engaged.

CVA recently launched the latest phase of its End Endless Wars campaign, a $1.25 million digital ad campaign combined with a robust grassroots push across the country. CVA has spent over $3 million on digital, television, and direct mail advertising urging a full withdrawal from Afghanistan. The campaign is aimed at educating and encouraging the American public to contact their elected representatives. In total, the campaign has generated over 700,000 emails to leaders in Washington urging them to end our “forever wars.” The End Endless Wars campaign evolved from CVA’s Rethink Foreign Policy effort, which the group launched in mid-2019.
