A broad coalition of think tanks has a message for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy: Don’t use the lame-duck Congress to push through additional funding for Ukraine.
In a letter, 13 coalition members, including Concerned Veterans for America, Stand Together, The Heritage Foundation, and America First Works, respond to reports that Congress could use the lame-duck session to pass a $50 billion aid package for Ukraine before the makeup of the new Congress in 2023.
“An aid bill of this magnitude would have profound effects on the United States’ national security and add to our already substantial national debt and budget deficit,” the letter states. “Any new aid package to Ukraine should be thoroughly debated, examined, and voted on in the 118th Congress.
CVA Deputy Director John Byrnes had this to say about the letter and potential aid package:
The United States should not continue to write a blank check to Ukraine at the expense of hardworking American taxpayers while wealthy European countries refuse to match our contributions for a war taking place in their backyard. Before any additional aid is approved, the 118th Congress should have the opportunity to both debate and examine how additional funding will benefit U.S. interests and what a sound strategy looks like to bring about an end to the war in Ukraine.
The American public is wary of continuing to send aid to Ukraine, especially while European nations aren’t matching our giving.
A recent poll by CVA and YouGov found 54% of respondents think the U.S. should only continue to provide aid to Ukraine if the Europeans are willing to match our support. Additionally, Americans want to stay out of the war all together with 57% of respondents opposing direct American military intervention in Ukraine.
Sending more aid to Ukraine is a serious decision that should be made by the incoming Congress.
Read the rest of the coalition letter opposing Ukraine aid during the lame-duck session.