John Byrnes
John Byrnes is a strategic director for Concerned Veterans for America and a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and Army National Guard.
John brings a unique perspective to CVA’s work, organizing veterans to continue their service and secure America’s future here at home. His career includes over 22 years of service in the military, where he served as a noncommissioned officer the United States Marine Corps and Army National Guard. In addition, John holds a B.A. in International Relations, and earned a Master of Public Administration. He has deployed in combat and conflict zones in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia, as well as to ground zero in New York City in the immediate aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks.
John’s passions for veterans and foreign policy predate his joining CVA in 2012. John co-founded a veterans’ program at the City University of New York as well as co-founding the Veterans Life Center to reduce homelessness in the North Carolina veterans community.
In foreign policy, John has worked and written extensively since 2005. His writing has appeared in the NY Post, The Hill, Responsible Statecraft, The American Conservative and elsewhere. He has spoken about both veterans’ issues and foreign policy on a diverse set of networks including Fox News, Newsmax, One America News, CNN, DC News Now, and Spectrum News NC.
John lives in North Carolina with his wife.