CVA Statement on the VA Rescinding the Demotions of Kimberly Graves and Diana Rubens

By Concerned Veterans for America

CVA Statement on the VA Rescinding the Demotions of Kimberly Graves and Diana Rubens
VA’s Mistakes Show They Aren’t Taking Accountability Within the Department Seriously

Arlington, Va. – In response to the VA rescinding the demotions of Kimberly Graves and Diana Rubens, two senior VA executives who were found to have defrauded the VA’s relocation program, Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) Legislative and Political Director Dan Caldwell issued the following statement on behalf of CVA:

“Make no mistake: the VA was forced to rescind the demotions of Kimberly Graves and Diana Rubens – two employees who clearly defrauded the government – due to the VA’s own incompetence and lack of seriousness when it comes to introducing accountability to the troubled department. Secretary McDonald should have used the powers granted to him by Congress to fire both employees and then fought to recoup the improperly awarded relocation pay but instead, as unfortunately has become the norm with Secretary McDonald, he refused to even attempt to fight to hold these bad VA employees accountable for their misconduct.

“Until the VA’s leadership gets serious about removing bad VA employees, the VA will continue to send a message to all its employees, both good and bad, that misconduct and incompetence will be tolerated within the Department of Veterans Affairs.”

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Concerned Veterans for America is a non-partisan, non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization that advocates for policies that will preserve the freedom and prosperity we and our families so proudly fought and sacrificed to defend.