CVA Releases NDAA Recommendations for 2018

By Concerned Veterans for America

Arlington, VA — Today, Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) is releasing recommendations for the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of FY2018. CVA’s report demonstrates that it is essential to our military’s readiness that waste, duplication, and inefficiencies are aggressively eliminated within the Department of Defense’s (DOD) budget. 

CVA recommends that Congress include the following measures in FY2018 NDAA: 

  • Mandate that the DOD become audit-ready and set a firm deadline for completion of a full audit;
  • Elimination of excess infrastructure through a Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process;
  • Reform of the military health care system to offer military families more choices and control costs;
  • Elimination of the funding of non-defense research in the defense budget;
  • Elimination of the Selective Service System; and
  • Continued streamlining of the DOD’s acquisition systems.

CVA Policy Director Dan Caldwell issued the following statement: 

“There is broad consensus that increasing efficiency, streamlining operations, and eliminating waste within the Pentagon are essential steps to improving our national security and should be top priorities. In the FY2018 NDAA, Congress has an opportunity to implement common sense reforms that will save taxpayer dollars while strengthening our military. We strongly urge Congress to consider our recommendations for reforming defense spending, which have all received bipartisan support in the past.” 

Click here to read the full recommendations.  
