CVA on Hillary Clinton VA “Reform” Plan: If You Liked The VA Under President Obama, You Will Love It Under President Hillary Clinton

By Concerned Veterans for America

CVA on Hillary Clinton VA “Reform” Plan: If You Liked the VA Under President Obama, You Will Love It Under President Hillary Clinton

Clinton’s “Plan” Inadequate and Continues Failed Policies of Current Administration

Arlington, Va.Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) CEO Pete Hegseth made the following statement in response to Hillary Clinton’s release of her VA “reform” plan today:

“While Mrs. Clinton references the need for ‘reform’ and ‘accountability’ at the VA, when it comes to actual policy, her plan for ‘reforming’ the VA is sorely lacking in bold ideas and meaningful solutions. Instead of putting forth proposals that would challenge the status quo and make the VA more responsive to what veterans want, Mrs. Clinton recycles the same-old tired ideas that have continually been proposed by policymakers and have failed repeatedly to fundamentally change the broken VA health care system.

“There are few differences between Mrs. Clinton’s plan and the proposals VA Sec. Bob McDonald has sought to implement since taking over the troubled department – proposals which have been demonstrated to be inadequate in the face of the systemic failures within the organization.

“Under Mrs. Clinton’s plan, VA bureaucrats would clearly retain the ability to dictate how and when veterans get health care through their VA benefits – including whether or not they can access care outside the VA. Whether she realizes it or not, this directly contradicts Mrs. Clinton’s stated goal to make the VA more veteran-centric and leaves the VA bureaucrat – not the veteran – at the center of the VA health care system.

“Her lack of specificity on improving accountability at the VA is also highly troubling. While seeming to agree that VA employees should be held accountable for their performance, she provides no details on what measures she would support that would give VA leaders the ability to ensure such accountability, despite the fact that a bipartisan solution – the VA Accountability Act – is already moving through Congress.

“The lack of fresh ideas and innovative solutions in Mrs. Clinton’s plan, and her doubling down on the system that has failed our veterans, sends the nation a very clear message: if you liked the VA under President Obama, you will love it under President Hillary Clinton.”

To schedule a TV interview with Pete Hegseth, CEO of CVA, or other CVA experts, please email For media inquiries, contact


Concerned Veterans for America is a non-partisan, non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization that advocates for policies that will preserve the freedom and prosperity we and our families so proudly fought and sacrificed to defend.