CVA Applauds State Senate Judiciary for Passing Bill to Ease Burdens on Military Community

By Concerned Veterans for America

Raleigh, NC – Yesterday the North Carolina State Senate Judiciary Committee passed a bill which would ease occupational licensing burdens on military families in the state. Today the bill is headed to the state’s Finance Committee for further review.

If passed, the measure would allow military members and their spouses to practice their professions under licensure from another state while transitioning to the requirements of the licensing boards of North Carolina.

Concerned Veterans for America’s North Carolina chapter has taken the charge with recently-announced grassroots efforts to urge policy makers to pass this bipartisan bill immediately. This week dozens of the group’s staffers and volunteers have helped to advance this critical reform by making calls to state legislators at regular phone banks across the state.

Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) North Carolina Coalitions Director John Byrnes issued the following statement:

CVA applauds the North Carolina Senate Judiciary for moving on this bipartisan bill in a timely manner, and we urge the Finance Committee to quickly follow suit. Our servicemen and women and their spouses deserve a fair shot at joining the workforce as they move from base to base and transition into civilian life. North Carolina should strive to eliminate all barriers to opportunity for the military community, who make the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedoms.
