CVA Activists Continue Fight to Pass VA Accountability

By Concerned Veterans for America

Arlington, VA – Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) activists have made hundreds of thousands of phone and digital contacts urging the Senate to move on strong accountability measures at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The group is asking Senators to support the VA Accountability First Act of 2017, a bill introduced by Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) that would make it easier to fire bad VA employees by shortening the termination process.

Notably, the group has made well over 50,000 calls to constituents of Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) and over 21,000 calls to constituents of Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH). The group is also using a digital tool which allows activists to contact their Senators directly via phone, email, and social media. The group has made nearly 15,000 direct contacts with Senators across the country using this tool.

CVA is also running seventeen web ads across the country targeted at Senators like Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Bill Nelson (D-FL), and Jon Tester (D-MT).

CVA Executive Director Mark Lucas issued the following statement:

“The White House has stepped up to help veterans, and now it’s the Senate’s turn. Just a few weeks ago, we learned that veterans are in imminent danger less than three miles from the nation’s capital – imagine what’s happening at facilities across the country. We’re urging members of the Senate to move immediately on strong accountability measures that will get bad VA employees out for good and give our veterans the care they need and deserve. CVA activists will work day in and day out to pressure the Senate until they move on this.”

Last week, President Trump signed an executive order establishing a new Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection within the VA. Both he and Secretary Shulkin have been outspoken about the need for Congress to pass a strong VA accountability bill.

The House passed a version of the VA Accountability First Act of 2017 earlier this year, with bipartisan support.
