We Asked Candidates in Kansas About the Issues that Affect Veterans

By Concerned Veterans for America

This week, Concerned Veterans for America hosted a congressional GOP primary candidate forum in Leavenworth, Kansas. With such a large veteran population in the state, it’s important we have these conversations with candidates to highlight issues of importance to veterans. CVA’s executive director, Dan Caldwell, stressed that these are serious issues with “real-world consequences for millions of people.”

With that in mind, we joined forces with Americans for Prosperity to ask candidates running for Congress in Kansas’ second district questions focused on veterans issues, the Department of Defense, and foreign policy. Check out the event here:

CVA hosted this event for one purpose to highlight issues of importance to veterans and their families.

We asked the candidates questions about veterans’ health care, but also about government spending and the economy. As they’ve already shown with their service, veterans care deeply about their country. So, in addition to seeking crucial answers about health care, they also want to hear about candidates’ broader views on fiscal responsibility and economic growth.

Veterans in Kansas and around the country deserve answers to these important questions.

Watch the replay of our Congressional GOP primary candidate forum to hear what the candidates have to say about veterans’ issues!