In case you missed it, our executive director, Dan Caldwell, wrote an oped in the Washington Examiner last week, praising President Trump for his working to jump-start negotiations in Congress to improve and stabilize the Veterans Health Administration through offering more choices. Those talks have been stalled in Congress for too long:
“The president’s comments will hopefully jump-start congressional negotiations over legislation reforming the VA’s choice and community care programs that stalled at the end of 2017. This comes on the heels of a series of policy recommendations from Trump to the House and Senate that urge Congress to adopt clearer standards for when and where a veteran can access care outside of the VA. These recommendations should be advanced in legislation that will expand healthcare choice for veterans at the VA and prevent VA bureaucrats from blocking veterans from receiving care outside of the VA.”
You can read the whole thing at the Washington Examiner!
If you support more health care choices for the VA, send a message to your lawmakers by clicking here!