Ten years ago, news broke of scandal at the Phoenix Department of Veterans Affairs medical facility. Staffers were keeping two sets of wait lists for appointments – the fake one in their scheduling system to create the appearance of short waits and the real one, kept outside the system, with much longer wait times. Veterans… Read more »
Army veteran Amanda Tallman thought the Department of Veterans Affairs would be there to help her with her physical and mental health after leaving service. But what she experienced was far from helpful. Amanda faced hurdles and barriers at the VA that took a toll on her health, especially at the embattled Phoenix VA medical… Read more »
A beautiful day for a motorcycle ride turned into a nightmare for the Blaylock family, leading to a battle with the Department of Veterans Affairs to provide needed care to an Army veteran struggling with his physical and mental health. Cay Blaylock recently joined the American Potential Podcast to share her husband Matt’s story and… Read more »
The Iraq War began 21 years ago. Though the Biden administration claims that the combat mission has “ended,” troops are still on the ground in Iraq training Iraqi security forces, a mission that puts their lives in unnecessary danger. The hundreds of attacks U.S. troops have faced in Iraq and across the Middle East since… Read more »
We’ve all been there. Veterans who use the Department of Veterans Affairs for their health care are all too familiar with the extensive wait times for medical appointments. Average wait times can be from a few days to a few months for needed care. And even if we’re able to schedule an appointment relatively… Read more »
The House Veterans Affairs Committee continues its investigation into accusations of sexual harassment at the department and the VA’s failure to adequately investigate those claims. Last fall, several whistleblowers alerted HVAC about alleged sexual harassment by supervisors that had been festering for months in the Office of Resolution Management, Diversity, and Inclusion. HVAC reached out… Read more »
Community care is a vital part of the veterans health care system. It mandates an avenue for veterans to get the care in the community they need when they need it, rather than VA-provided care being their only option. But the VA is concerned with its self-preservation and would prefer community care, which Congress directed… Read more »