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CVA Releases New Digital Ad Urging Veterans to Vote for Rep. Heck

Vote Joe Heck for Senate

By Concerned Veterans for America

Las Vegas, NV – Today Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) is releasing a new targeted digital ad in Nevada urging veterans, military family members, and patriotsto vote for Rep. Joe Heck (R-NV) this November. The ad comes on the heels of CVA’s recently announced six-figure investment to expressly advocate for Heck’s election to the Senate using a strategic combination of grassroots and digital efforts

The ad features Ken G., a veteran who served in the U.S. Air Force and Nevada National Guard for 26 years. “There is a lack of being held accountable and also holding people accountable [at the VA],” says Ken. “Joe Heck is a strong leader who is dedicated to our veterans and our state.” 


Click here to watch the ad.

Concerned Veterans for America Executive Director Mark Lucas issued the following statement:

“Many politicians say they want to fix the VA, but few actually advocate for real solutions that would make it happen. Rep. Joe Heck has consistently fought to hold the VA accountable for its poor performance, and we are confident he will fight even harder from the Senate. Our volunteer army of veterans and military family members have made it a top priority to ensure strong advocates for VA reform like Heck cross the finish line on November 8.

Rep. Heck, a brigadier general still serving in the Army Reserves, has led the charge for meaningful reform at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Heck co-sponsored the Veteran-Centered Access To Coordinated Health Care Act. He has also supported the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act and the VA Accountability Act (which CVA strongly supports).

Earlier this month, CVA made the historic decision to expressly advocate on behalf of three candidates – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA), and Rep. Joe Heck (R-NV) – due to their dedication to reforming the failing VA. This is the first time the organization has asked veterans, military families, and patriotic citizens to vote for a specific candidate in any state. 

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