What Texas Veterans Are Telling Us About the VA

By Concerned Veterans for America

Houston, TX – Hundreds of veterans are sharing their experiences with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) on MyVAStory.org, a new Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) platform which launched last week. The organization has been encouraging veterans from around the country to submit their stories to the website or on social media using #MyVAStory. 

Here are a few of the stories we’re seeing in Texas:

Bob, Navy Veteran: “…Why in the World Should I Ever Trust Anyone in This Department Ever Again? “First they couldn’t schedule my appointment because they didn’t have the new residents’ schedule yet. Then they didn’t know who my PCP was going to be. Finally at the end of August I could make an appointment, but not until mid or later October… Needless to say, I am not a happy camper! If I had a heart attack, why haven’t I been treated? In either case, why have I been subjected to this unnecessary stress? And why in the world should I ever trust anyone in this department ever again?”

Danita, Military Family Member: “We Cannot Trust The VA Diagnosis Now. “The VA misdiagnosed my husband’s sleep apnea (we have just now figured this out). When John got laid off in 2006, he was tested for sleep Apnea by a non-VA doctor while he had his regular insurance, but couldn’t do follow-up because he lost the insurance. Then John started going to the VA. They tested him with different conclusions, and reluctantly gave him a mask but no humidifier — so he didn’t wear it long, and they told him he a really mild case. That was false and contradicted the other test he had in 2006. We cannot trust the VA diagnosis now. John was just retested by the same non-VA sleep specialist and they tell him he is very severe now.”

Randy, Army Veteran: I Had to Wait [Months] to Get an Appointment to See a Local Doctor. “I said that I wanted to permission to see a local doctor because I had heard that I could if I could not get an appointment within 30 days. The lady on the phone said that to get permission to see a local doctor, I had to see the VA doctor and get that info in my records first. So that meant I had to wait [months] to get an appointment to see a local doctor. How twisted is that?”

Mark, Army Veteran: “I Am Unable to Get My Therapy Restarted. “I was previously enrolled in an aquatic therapy physical therapy program at the VA, but as of November 2015, the pool was closed due to an unsafe chlorine odor. The staff at the VA had been aware of the issue for nearly four years and the pool had undergone frequent temporary closures during that time. Now that the pool reopened in May of 2016, I am unable to get my therapy restarted.”

Mike, Army Veteran: “[My VA Doctor] is Friendly, Informative, Caring, Supportive, and a Pleasure to Work with.” “Since 2008 I have been seeing a Primary Care Doctor at the VA — the routine is fast: give blood, and see the Doctor 2 hours later. When we meet, he reviews the blood work, and tells me his findings, and how I am doing on the inside, from blood test. After, he gives me a 5 minute exam, the basics. We talk, discuss health, VA, and other matters. I have found him to be friendly, informative, caring, supportive, and a pleasure to work with.”

Each of the stories are being read and compiled, and CVA’s policy team is looking for broad themes. This information will help inform the kind of VA reforms CVA will fight for moving forward.

To read more stories or to learn more about the project, visit www.MyVAStory.org.


Concerned Veterans for America is a non-partisan, non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization that advocates for policies that will preserve the freedom and prosperity we and our families so proudly fought and sacrificed to defend.