Senate Judiciary Committee Should Advance the Nominations of Qualified Judges

By Concerned Veterans for America

Arlington, VA – Today the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on several qualified lower courts nominees, including Colorado Supreme Court Justice Alison Eid, nominee to the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) is urging the Senate Judiciary Committee to move Justice Eid to a floor vote without delay because she is a highly-qualified nominee with a strong record of service.

CVA Executive Director Mark Lucas issued the following statement:

“With hundreds of vacancies on our lower courts, there is no reason for Congress to delay in advancing the qualified nominees selected by President Trump. Justice Eid is a principled jurist who will uphold the rule of law and serve with integrity.

“The committee should move quickly to advance her nomination. We will continue to push legislators who are withholding their blue slips to stop playing political games with our justice system.”

Last month, CVA launched “Defend the Courts,” an initiative dedicated to engagement around judicial nominations. Through the new effort, CVA will mobilize activists to support qualified judicial nominees who will respect the rule of law, fight to end judicial obstruction in Congress, and educate all Americans about the importance of a fully-functioning judiciary. CVA engaged earlier this year in an unprecedented grassroots effort in support of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.
