Pete Hegseth Reacts to Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi’s Release from Mexican Jail

By Concerned Veterans for America

U.S. Marine Held in Mexican Jail Released After 214 Days

Arlington, Va. – In reaction to the news that Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi has been released from a Mexican prison and returned home, Pete Hegseth, CEO of Concerned Veterans for America, issued the following statement:


“After 214 difficult days, I am relieved to hear that Sergeant Tahmooressi is finally back home. These have been trying days for Andrew, to be sure, but also for his mother Jill—who has been steadfast in her advocacy for Andrew’s release. America’s family of veterans continually held Andrew in our prayers, and never lost hope—or stopped demanding—that he would be released.

“CVA would like to thank House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) and Congressman Matt Salmon (R-AZ) for their leadership and dedication in securing his release, as well as countless other patriotic veterans and Americans who publicly and privately pressed for his release.

“As a combat-decorated Marine, Andrew’s bravery and service are well-documented. But like many of his fellow combat veterans, Andrew is confronting post-traumatic stress (PTS) that was no doubt aggravated by his time in jail. Difficult days still lie ahead, but now that he has been reunited with his family and loved ones, he can receive the care he has earned to help heal the unseen wounds of war, recover from this ordeal, and enjoy the freedoms he fought so bravely on the battlefield to defend.”

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Concerned Veterans for America is a non-partisan, non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization that advocates for policies that will preserve the freedom and liberty we and our families so proudly fought and sacrificed to defend.