Veterans group blasts administration for punting on deadline to make crucial recommendations for troubled Department of Veterans Affairs ARLINGTON, Va.—Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) on Monday responded to the news that the Biden administration postponed its recommendations to modernize and realign the Department of Veterans Affairs, punting for at least six weeks a required report… Read more »
Veterans group blasts lawmakers for bungling process, misses opportunity to make real progress ARLINGTON, Va.—Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) on Wednesday responded to the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022, castigating lawmakers for botching the deliberative process and failure to craft a meaningful bill that addresses systemic challenges to… Read more »
Veterans group calls for repeal of decades-old Iraq war powers and Congress restoring its role in matters of war and peace ARLINGTON, Va.—Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) on Wednesday urged Senators to support an amendment (S.A. 4133) to the National Defense Authorization Act from Sen. Tim Kaine, which would repeal the outdated 1991 and… Read more »
Typically foes, two veterans groups unite to call for objective accounting of America’s longest war ARLINGTON, Va.—Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) and VoteVets on Thursday announced their support for a bill calling for a commission to examine the failures of our 20-year war in Afghanistan. The measure, introduced by Sen. Tammy Duckworth, would create… Read more »
Accountability and transparency is needed after American people were misled ARLINGTON, Va.— Ahead of the upcoming House Committee on Foreign Affairs Hearing on U.S. policies during the war in Afghanistan and our military withdrawal, Concerned Veterans for America Senior Adviser Dan Caldwell issued the following statement on behalf of the organization: “Congress largely failed… Read more »
Veterans group urges passage of bipartisan measure to restore balance of power between Congress and White House on national security policy ARLINGTON, Va.—Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) Deputy Director Russ Duerstine issued the following statement regarding the introduction of the National Security Reform and Accountability Act (NSRAA). The bipartisan bill, introduced by Rep. Meijer… Read more »
General Milley needs to answer for misleading statements on Afghanistan, reports of him undermining civilian control of military ARLINGTON, Va.— Ahead of the upcoming Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing on the military withdrawal from Afghanistan, Concerned Veterans for America Senior Adviser Dan Caldwell issued the following statement on behalf of the organization: “For nearly… Read more »