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CVA Hosts Free Speech Event in Greenville with Rep. Gowdy

Greenville, SC – Last night, Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) hosted the organization’s first Defend the First event in Greenville with Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC). The event at the Old Cigar Warehouse in downtown Greenville drew a crowd of over 150 veterans, military family members, and patriotic South Carolinians for a meaningful discussion with CVA Executive Director Mark Lucas about the major threats to free speech.

Memo: Bob McDonald’s Failed VA Legacy

It’s been over two years since the secret wait list scandal broke at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospital in Phoenix, leading to the revelation that manipulated wait times were happening at VAs across the country. One might reasonably expect that in the aftermath of this controversy, the VA might have devoted its significant… Read more »

CVA to Host Free Speech Event in Greenville with Rep. Trey Gowdy

Greenville, SC – Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) will kick off the organization’s first “Defend the First” event on Monday, December 19 in Greenville. The event will feature Rep. Gowdy (R-SC), who will join CVA Executive Director Mark Lucas to discuss the threats facing free speech in America and the importance of protecting the First Amendment.

New Video Highlights Story of Phoenix VA Whistleblower

Arlington, VA – A new video released by Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) highlights VA whistleblower Brandon Coleman’s story as a clear example of what happens when the government uses the private information of citizens to silence those who speak out against it. The video comes as part of the group’s new project, Defend the First, dedicated to defending freedom of speech under the First Amendment.

CVA Statement on Secret VA Rating System

Arlington, VA – Today USA Today published the secret internal rating system the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) uses to track the performance of its facilities while keeping American veterans and taxpayers largely in the dark. Historically, the VA has refused to make these ratings public, claiming they are meant for internal use only. According to… Read more »

CVA Launches New Free Speech Project

Arlington, VA – Today Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) launched “Defend the First” (, a new project dedicated to defending freedom of speech under the First Amendment. “Defend the First” will take a broad focus on threats against free speech – the ways the government uses private information of citizens to silence dissidents as well as an emerging culture of censorship in America.

CVA Statement on Latest Scandal at Tomah VA

Arlington, VA – Nearly 600 veterans are at risk for Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV after being treated at a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facility in Tomah, Wisconsin. The VA announced that a dentist at the facility was using tools that had not be sterilized properly.