Veterans group urges passage of bill to improve veterans’ community care access, remove VA barriers to veterans’ health care choice ARLINGTON, Va.—Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) Executive Director Russ Duerstine issued a statement regarding the introduction of the Veterans’ HEALTH Act of 2023 sponsored by Sen. Jerry Moran (Kan.) and co-sponsored by Sen. Kyrsten… Read more »
Grassroots veterans group commends repeal of decades-old Iraq War authorization following 20th anniversary of war ARLINGTON, Va.—Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) on Wednesday applauded the Senate for finally passing Sens. Tim Kaine and Todd Young’s bill, S. 316, to repeal the outdated 1991 and 2002 Authorizations for Use of Military Force (AUMF). Russ Duerstine,… Read more »
Veterans group criticizes Secretary McDonough for reckless decision to throw out 2017 VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act ARLINGTON, Va.—Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) on Tuesday issued a statement regarding the Veterans Affairs Department’s announcement that it will no longer use a 2017 law designed to allow it to quickly discipline and fire employees. VA… Read more »
Veterans group calls for repeal of decades-old Iraq War authorization as historic anniversary nears ARLINGTON, Va.—Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) on Wednesday applauded senators for supporting Sens. Tim Kaine and Todd Young’s bill, S. 316, which would repeal the outdated 1991 and 2002 Authorizations for Use of Military Force (AUMF) in today’s mark-up session… Read more »
Grassroots veterans group applauds bipartisan support to repeal decades-old Iraq War authorization, and Congress reasserting its role in matters of war and peace ARLINGTON, Va.—Concerned Veterans for America’s (CVA) Executive Director Russ Duerstine issued the following statement in support of a pair of bills introduced today by Reps. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) and Chip Roy (R-Texas)… Read more »
American veterans group supports legislative action to block U.S. support for Saudi-led war in Yemen ARLINGTON, Va.—Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) on Tuesday urged passage of S.J. Res. 56, the Yemen War Powers Resolution. An affirmative vote in favor of the privileged resolution would send a strong signal to Saudi Arabia that America will… Read more »
Veterans advocacy group slams Congress for failure to include critical war powers reforms in NDAA, condemns skyrocketing topline budget increase ARLINGTON, Va.—Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) on Wednesday weighed in on the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2023. The group condemned Congress for continuing to put the U.S. on an… Read more »