Arlington, VA — Today Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) is releasing a new poll on veterans health care which shows 98% of veterans favor giving veterans more health care choice outside of the VA’s existing medical system.
The poll also shows that 92% of veterans think it is very or extremely important that lawmakers in Washington improve the way health care is provided to veterans. In addition, fully 98% of veterans support efforts to reform the health care veterans receive generally.
The group surveyed 1,000 registered voters with an oversample of veterans.
Key findings include the following:
- 61% of veterans think it is difficult to access medical care through the VA.
- 64% of veterans believe wait times at VA medical facilities are unreasonable.
- 92% of veterans and 85% of registered voters think it is extremely or very important that lawmakers in Washington improve the way in which health care services are provided to U.S. Veterans.
- 98% of veterans and 96% of registered voters support efforts to reform the health care veterans receive in this country.
- 49% of veterans think that problems at VA medical facilities are due to bureaucracy and mismanagement.
- 98% of veterans and 95% of registered voters favor giving veterans more choice over their health care by allowing them to receive health care services from medical facilities or health care providers outside of the VA’s existing medical system.
- 80% of veterans and 84% of registered voters favor giving veterans more choices in their health care by allowing them to receive health care services from medical facilities or health care providers outside of the VA’s existing medical system, even if it means they could pay a little more out of pocket.
- 92% of veterans and 91% of registered voters would support new legislation to reform the VA Choice Act in order to give veterans the option to use their health care benefits at either a VA health care facility or at a private medical provider of their choosing, without the limitations or restrictions of the current program.
You can read the full survey results here.
CVA Policy Director Dan Caldwell issued the following statement:
“Veterans and non-veterans alike overwhelmingly want more health care choice for our veterans. Our polling is consistent with historic data on the issue, especially in the aftermath of the wait list scandal of 2014. This should send a clear message to lawmakers in Washington. With the current problems plaguing the Veterans Choice Program, Congress must pass permanent reforms that empower veterans with the ability to access care inside or outside of the VA at their own discretion.”
Historic data supports the findings of CVA’s new poll. In 2015, CVA released a poll in which 89% of veterans surveyed supported expanding choice at the VA and 93% believed it is important for veterans to get the best care possible, even if it comes from outside the VA. In 2014, CVA conducted another poll which yielded similar results. Gallup also conducted polling in 2016 which showed the 91 percent of Americans supported giving veterans who use the VA more health care choice.
The poll was conducted by In Pursuit Of, a marketing and communications agency based in Arlington, Virginia.