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More than 75% of Veterans Believe the Debt is a Threat to National Security

By Concerned Veterans for America

For Immediate Release: March 19, 2012 Contact: Kate Pomeroy / 571-384-4935

Debt is a Threat, Veterans Say More than 75% of Veterans Believe the Debt is a Threat to National Security

Arlington, VA – Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff recently said, “The most significant threat to our national security is our debt…” and a new poll sponsored by Concerned Veterans for America and conducted by The Winston Group, reveals that the majority of military voters agree with his statement and believe that debt is indeed a threat to our national security. “It’s not surprising that the majority of military voters have heard Admiral Mullen’s statement. Our men and women in uniform understand first-hand what the price of freedom is,” said Kate Pomeroy, Director of Communications for Concerned Veterans for America.  “Those of us who benefit from their service need to do our part and help fight for policies that will preserve the freedom and liberty they risk their lives to defend.” Key findings:

  • There are serious concerns about where the U.S. is headed both longer term and with economic threats to the future of the country.
    • In thinking about the U.S. economy in the next 20 years, 56% believe the economy will either be weaker (38%) or about the same as it is now (18%).
  •  The concern about the future of the U.S. economy is also reflected in military voters’ views that economic threats are greater dangers to national security than terror threats. Greatest threats to national security (combined first and second choices)
    •      Economy – 38 %
    •      Traditional powers like China, Russian and Iran – 34 %
    •      Debt – 31 %
    •      Foreign terror groups – 28 %
    •      Cuts to the military – 27 %
    •      Cyber terror – 17 %
  • 60% of military voters were aware of former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mullen’s statement that the national debt was the most significant threat to our national security. There was a clear agreement with his statement in that 77% agreed and only 17% disagreed.  Among those who agreed, 52% strongly agreed.
  • Because military voters view the economy and fiscal issues as part of the overall security of the country, they are clearly interested in the national discussion about the economy and are looking for solutions to address the economy and debt.

This survey was conducted March 10-15, 2012 and the results noted above are from 800 military voters both veterans and active duty.  For more information, please call 571-384-4935.