What Louisiana Veterans Are Telling Us About the VA

By Concerned Veterans for America

Baton Rouge, LA – Hundreds of veterans are sharing their experiences with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) on MyVAStory.org, a new Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) platform which launched last week. The organization has been encouraging veterans from around the country to submit their stories to the website or on social media using #MyVAStory. 

Here are a few of the stories we’re seeing in Louisiana:

Wanye, Louisiana: “The worst story is in 2007 while I was in the hospital getting part of my colon out” “(an operation I don’t think I even needed) someone at the VA submitted a request for increased benefits in my name with incomplete name, wrong SSN, a scribble for a signature, wrong information, etc. After I got it clear to all the bureaucrats I didn’t submit this, it has been ignored — though I’ve complained since. My Congressman wouldn’t even help. It is clear to me someone was trying to get me in trouble for submitting a false request.”

Deborah, Louisiana: “I am a Marine Corps veteran and in the last two years the care I have ‘received from the VA leaves a lot to be desired.” “I have orders from my doctor and by the time they get to the VAMC, they are not what my doctor ordered. e.g. x-rays for my shoulder. I have had a doctor hurt my shoulder and refused to listen to me and they wouldn’t x-Ray me unless I let them draw blood which equals another 2 hours at the VAMC. I left the VAMC disgusted and angry.”

Wayne, Louisiana: “On several other occasions that come to mind, I’ve had to wait over a month and a half to have procedures done.” “Someone at the Louisiana VA submitted a request for increased benefits in my name with an incomplete name, wrong SSN, a scribble for a signature, and overall wrong information. After I made it clear that I didn’t submit this request, it has still been ignored, even though I’ve complained since. My congressman wouldn’t even help. It seemed to me like someone was trying to get me in trouble by submitting a false request.”

Each of the stories are being read and compiled, and CVA’s policy team is looking for broad themes. This information will help inform the kind of VA reforms CVA will fight for moving forward.

To read more stories or to learn more about the project, visit www.MyVAStory.org.


Concerned Veterans for America is a non-partisan, non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization that advocates for policies that will preserve the freedom and prosperity we and our families so proudly fought and sacrificed to defend.