Gorsuch’s Confirmation a Victory for Floridians

By Concerned Veterans for America

Arlington, VA – Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) Executive Director Mark Lucas issued the following statement following the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court:

“Gorsuch’s confirmation is a victory for all Floridians who believe in our Constitution and want to see it upheld by the highest court in the land. Senator Nelson unfortunately wanted to play partisan politics, but his obstructive behavior will prove to be a mistake when we hold him accountable for his actions. We are confident Justice Gorsuch will protect the freedoms that veterans fought and sacrificed to defend from the bench of the Supreme Court.”

CVA engaged in a historic grassroots effort in support of Neil Gorsuch. The group made over 40,000 calls to constituents in Florida and dropped three waves of direct mail targeting Senator Nelson. CVA also led a coalition of over 55 major conservative organizations in sending a letter to the Senate urging all members to support Gorsuch.

CVA’s efforts were proven successful in North Dakota, West Virginia, and Indiana, where Senators Heitkamp, Manchin, and Donnelly all caved to constituent pressure and stepped forward in support of Gorsuch. 
