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CVA Welcomes Retirement of VA IG Richard Griffin

By Concerned Veterans for America

Griffin Whitewashed VA Misconduct, Politicized Office of Inspector General

Arlington, Va. – In response to Department of Veterans Affairs Inspector General (VA IG) Richard Griffin announcing his retirement, Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) CEO Pete Hegseth issued the following statement on behalf of CVA:

“CVA has been calling for the removal of Richard Griffin for over eight months, and his departure is long overdue. While acting as IG, Griffin diminished the effectiveness and trustworthiness of the Office of Inspector General (OIG) by whitewashing the deaths of veterans at the Phoenix VA, withholding documents from members of Congress, and not publicly releasing IG reports that document misconduct within the VA. His politicization and mismanagement of the OIG has inhibited the ability of the office to properly uncover the true extent of misconduct throughout the VA in the aftermath of the VA wait list scandal. This is one of the reasons why just yesterday a group of VA whistleblowers called for his removal.

“CVA urges the White House to immediately nominate a permanent VA IG – something that the troubled Department has lacked for over 18 months. An independent and effective Office of Inspector General is essential to fixing the VA’s toxic culture and the future of VA reform efforts.”

For media inquiries, contact Emily Laird at or 571.302.0973.


Concerned Veterans for America is a non-partisan, non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization that advocates for policies that will preserve the freedom and prosperity we and our families so proudly fought and sacrificed to defend.