CVA urges NC lawmakers to pass SAVE Act

By Concerned Veterans for America

Grassroots veterans group applauds bill to break down barriers to quality healthcare


RALEIGH, N.C. – Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) is calling on North Carolina lawmakers to pass The SAVE Act, a measure to modernize health care by removing unnecessary restrictions on Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), providing North Carolinians greater access to the quality care they need.

CVA’s North Carolina Coalitions Director, Rick Disney, had this to say of The SAVE Act and CVA’s support:

“The SAVE Act makes getting care more accessible for all North Carolinians, including our state’s vast military and veteran population, and drives down the associated costs. As more veterans are seeking community care through the VA MISSION Act, and as the COVID pandemic has put a strain on health care systems nationwide, we need to be doing all we can to make accessing care as easy as we can. This bill removes red tape and allows nurse practitioners to use their extensive training and education to care for patients. We urge our lawmakers to support this measure and bring it up quickly for a vote.”



North Carolina is home to more than 650,000 veterans and over 110,000 active-duty and reserve troops. The Tar Heel State has six major military installations, including the U.S.Army’s Ft. Bragg and the Marine Corps’ Camp Lejeune.