CVA To Congress: Hold The Line On Aurora VA Hospital

By Concerned Veterans for America

CVA To Congress: Hold the Line on Aurora VA Hospital
CVA Urges Congress Not To Throw Good Money After Bad Without Larger Plan for Reform to VA Construction Programs

Arlington, Va. – In response to hyperbolic declarations from VA Secretary Robert McDonald that accused Congress of “punishing” Colorado veterans by refusing his demands for yet another blank check to fund construction of the notorious Aurora VA hospital, Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) CEO Pete Hegseth issued the following statement:

“Despite Secretary McDonald’s accusations, there is only one institution ‘punishing’ Colorado’s 400,000 veterans and that is the agency he leads. The VA has continually misled Colorado veterans, the media, and Congress about the troubled Aurora VA hospital project. Not only that, but the VA has failed to propose any proactive reforms to VA construction programs across the country – many of which are massively over-budget like the Aurora VA – nor has anyone been held accountable for these failures. Instead, Secretary Robert McDonald has attempted to shift blame for the problems at the Aurora VA onto Congress while demanding more money for the failed project. Even worse, the VA is cynically attempting to use massively over-budget projects like the Aurora VA as reason to raid funds specifically appropriated by Congress last year for the Veteran Choice Card, which was intended to give eligible veterans expanded access to non-VA care.

“Accordingly, CVA applauds Congress – and more specifically Speaker Boehner, House VA Chairman Miller, and Senate VA Chairman Isakson – for not giving into the VA’s scare tactics and urges them to continue to ensure VA accountability through the appropriations process. Considering the recent revelation that the VA was improperly spending over $6 billion annually, it is clear that the VA is about as good at properly spending taxpayer money as they are at building hospitals. It is therefore essential that Congress not allocate one more dime to the Aurora VA project without increased accountability and assurances from Secretary McDonald that reforms will be undertaken to ensure that the gross mismanagement that led to the Aurora VA debacle is not repeated.”

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For other media inquiries, contact Emily Laird at 571.302.0973 or email


Concerned Veterans for America is a non-partisan, non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization that advocates for policies that will preserve the freedom and liberty we and our families so proudly fought and sacrificed to defend.