CVA Statement on Wait Time Manipulation Uncovered by Watchdog Reports

By Concerned Veterans for America

Arlington, Va. – Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) Press Secretary John Cooper released the following statement regarding revelations that VA employees were systematically manipulating wait times at numerous VA facilities across the country, often with supervisors’ knowledge and approval.

“These reports prove beyond any doubt the corruption at the VA is systemic, and must be addressed through comprehensive, meaningful reform. In fact, they shine a light on the numerous problems the VA has consistently refused to address: manipulation of wait timesintimidation of employees and decreased access to care for veterans. The VA claims to have held 29 people ‘accountable’ for their involvement in the nationwide manipulation, but as usual, refuses to disclose what steps it has taken in doing so, and instead has simply made more promises that ’this won’t happen again.’ Given the department’s track record on accountability and wait times, this pronouncement should be taken with a large grain of salt. A key step toward such accountability is the VA Accountability Act, currently languishing in the Senate because Sens. Mitch McConnell and Johnny Isakson refuse to bring it to a vote, and instead are focusing on drafting an omnibus full of ‘feel-good’ proposals that will not solve the core problems still plaguing the VA.

“Secretary McDonald’s continued inaction on this issue is unacceptable, and we encourage him to take real steps toward embracing accountability and restoring trust in the VA. These reports show that he has his work cut out for him. The only question is whether he will listen to the voices of veterans and work to reform the department into one that is above all else focused on meeting their needs.”

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Concerned Veterans for America is a non-partisan, non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization that advocates for policies that will preserve the freedom and prosperity we and our families so proudly fought and sacrificed to defend.