CVA Statement on the President’s VA Budget Proposal

By Concerned Veterans for America

Arlington, Va.Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) released the following statement regarding the president’s VA budget proposal for next fiscal year: “The Obama administration’s VA budget proposal is perhaps the most expensive proof yet that the White House and the Department of Veterans Affairs are not serious about accountability, whether for their treatment of our veterans or their use of taxpayer funds. The department has requested a multi-billion-dollar funding increase while refusing to lay out a serious, comprehensive plan to address the systemic problems highlighted by the recent independent assessment of the Veterans’ Health Administration, which found that the VA has a long way to go in improving veterans’ access to care, ensuring veterans can take advantage of their benefits in a timely manner, and rooting out the toxic culture at the department. “The recent scandals at the VA, from veterans being denied care to senior executives stealing from taxpayers, do not stem from lack of resources, but from lack of accountable leadership. Secretary McDonald and entrenched special interests will no doubt resort to scare tactics to pressure Congress into signing off on another budget increase that comes with no strings attached, but veterans and all American taxpayers would be better served by Congress instead demanding increased accountability. “Ultimately, this budget request is emblematic of our federal government’s irresponsible approach to spending and debt. Our veterans did not serve so that their sacrifices would be undone by a debt that threatens our economic and national security. Our leaders owe it to our veterans and their families, especially, to propose responsible spending measures and to chart a course toward balancing the federal budget. Veterans and their families have given far too much for anything less.”

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Concerned Veterans for America is a non-partisan, non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization that advocates for policies that will preserve the freedom and prosperity we and our families so proudly fought and sacrificed to defend.