CVA Statement on Chairman Thornberry’s DoD Acquisition Reform Proposal

By Concerned Veterans for America

Arlington, Va. – House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry today announced proposed legislation to reform the Department of Defense’s acquisition process, focusing on the principles of proactivity, agility, transparency and innovation. 

Concerned Veterans for America CEO Pete Hegseth issued the following statement in response:

“Concerned Veterans for America commends Chairman Thornberry for leading the charge in designing defense acquisition reforms that will address the long-term challenges faced by the current dysfunctional system, which hinders the adaptability and capabilities of our nation’s military.  We support his reforms, and look forward to working to advance them.

“The proposed legislation represents an initial, but important step forward to inject some much-needed agility in to a complex procurement process that seeks to provide tomorrow’s weapons to the warfighter before they are needed the most. By empowering project managers and reducing the regulatory burdens they face, these reforms minimize the procurement timeline, leverage private-sector innovation and allow the Pentagon the flexibility to react to a rapidly changing threat environment.   

“With reform-minded leaders like Representative Thornberry and Senator John McCain chairing the Congress’ armed services committees and a secretary of defense like Ash Carter who understands the limitations of the Pentagon’s current acquisitions regime and is open to real reform, now is the ideal time to bring long-overdue reforms to the military’s outdated procurement process. CVA is committed to ensuring the Department of Defense can acquire the best equipment available for the warfighter while remaining a good steward of taxpayer dollars. We look forward to working with both houses of Congress and the Pentagon to advance these common-sense reforms, and thank Chairman Thornberry for taking this critical issue so seriously.”

To schedule a TV interview with Pete Hegseth, CEO of CVA, or other CVA experts, please email

For other media inquiries, contact Emily Laird at 571.302.0973 or email


Concerned Veterans for America is a non-partisan, non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization that advocates for policies that will preserve the freedom and liberty we and our families so proudly fought and sacrificed to defend.