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CVA to Senate: Ignore Schumer’s Misguided Political Theater

By Concerned Veterans for America

Arlington, VA – Today Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated his commitment to filibustering against Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch and denying Gorsuch an up-or-down vote. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) followed suit.

In the past, Schumer has said that “the American people don’t like…obstructionism” and that the “most important” criteria for a Supreme Court nominee is “legal excellence.” He also previously said that he wanted a “mainstream” Supreme Court nominee.

Neil Gorsuch, a graduate of Harvard law who was confirmed to the Tenth Circuit Court with unanimous and bipartisan support, enjoys the support of most Americans, including registered voters and Independents, per recent polling. The American Bar Association gave Judge Neil Gorsuch its highest rating, unanimously declaring him “well-qualified.”

Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) Executive Director Mark Lucas issued the following statement:

“Schumer’s filibuster is blatant political theater, but also a political miscalculation. Neil Gorsuch is a qualified, mainstream nominee who has strong support from leaders on both sides of the aisle and Americans across the country. We urge members of the Senate to ignore Schumer’s games, listen to their constituents, and ensure Gorsuch is confirmed to the bench without delay.”

CVA is engaged in a unique and unprecedented grassroots effort to help confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court bench. The group has made over 300,000 calls to constituents in eleven targeted states asking them to contact their Senator and urge them to confirm Gorsuch without delay. The group has also launched web ads, two waves of direct mail, and is promoting a digital tool which allows constituents to contact their Senators directly via Facebook, Twitter, and email.

Most recently, CVA led a coalition of over 56 major conservative groups – including Heritage Action, Judicial Crisis Network, and Americans for Tax Reform –  and sent a letter to the Senate in Gorsuch’s support.
