Veterans group calls for a new foreign policy, VA reform, and restrained federal spending
ARLINGTON, Va.— Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) on Wednesday released its 2020 federal policy agenda, laying down markers for Congress on important issues. The group looks to build on foreign policy gains made in 2019, calling specifically for an end to ‘endless wars’ and a withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan and Syria, increased VA reform, and a more secure financial future.
“By producing this agenda, we’re planting a flag and committing to work on these issues,” said CVA Executive Director Nate Anderson, “It’s a commitment to use all resources at our disposal to make an impact. CVA has made significant strides towards ending endless wars, and we will continue to vigorously defend the progress we have made towards ensuring the needs of veterans are put first when considering new VA legislation.”
In addition to doubling down on ending endless wars, CVA will continue to push for spending reform in 2020. Referencing the national debt as ‘the greatest threat to America’s security and future prosperity’, the 2020 legislative agenda calls for greater restraint in federal spending through mechanisms like increased allied burden sharing, mitigation of rising VA spending levels, and slowing the growth of discretionary spending.
“Members of the veteran and military community know firsthand where federal spending can be restrained,” Anderson continued, “But the growing national debt poses a real risk to all Americans, not just veterans. The past 18 years of foreign policy have cost the taxpayer over six trillion dollars and counting. This will affect coming generations, and could jeopardize our future security if left unchecked.”
The group also lays out perspectives on its traditional issue sets, such as advocating for increased accountability for VA employees and expanding veterans’ healthcare options beyond the VA. The 2020 agenda seeks to increase mechanisms of choice and quality of care for veterans by ensuring proper implementation of the VA MISSION Act and modernizing and improving current VA benefits and eligibility programs.
“We are working to make sure that today’s veterans get the care and and benefits they have earned, while ensuring that effective systems remain in place for the next generation of veterans,” Anderson said. “Full health care choice for veterans paired with a renewed focus on efficient, accountable, and patient-centered care is critical for veterans to receive the high standard of care they deserve.”
To achieve these goals, CVA will utilize the full force of their grassroots army, partner with principled leaders willing to engage in effective nonpartisan reform, and continue to incentivize lawmakers to put principled policy before divisive partisanship.
“It is up to Congress to prioritize effective policy solutions, lead with courage, and set our nation up for future prosperity.” Anderson added. “By pursuing a smarter foreign policy that ensures a strong national defense, guaranteeing the care and benefits promised to our veterans, and placing commonsense controls on federal spending, we can create conditions for veterans and all Americans to pursue their best lives. CVA stands ready to partner with anyone willing to put aside differences and create real change into 2020 and beyond.”
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