CVA on release of draft VA MISSION Act access standards

By Concerned Veterans for America

National veterans group applauds VA for staying true to intent of law, expanding options for veterans

ARLINGTON, Va.–Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) Executive Director Dan Caldwell on Wednesday released the following statement regarding the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) public release of its draft standards for the new community care program mandated by the VA MISSION Act:

“These proposed access standards will ensure veterans have better access to health care and will give them more choices in how they receive their care. These standards are simple and straightforward, eliminating much of the confusion created by the Veterans Choice Program and the VA’s other community care programs. While we would prefer the primary care wait time standard be shorter, these access standards are still a significant step forward in giving veterans more control over their health care and making the VA more veteran-centric. We commend the VA for drafting standards that uphold the intent of the VA MISSION Act and for giving key stakeholders the opportunity to provide input throughout their development process. CVA plans to activate our grassroots army to ensure these standards are properly implemented and rolled out with the new community care program on June 6.”

The VA MISSION Act was endorsed by over 30 veteran service organizations; it was passed with overwhelming bipartisan support (347-70 in the House and 92-5 in the Senate); and signed into law by President Trump in June 2018.

The VA MISSION Act stabilizes and reforms the VA’s health care system by consolidating the VA’s community care programs, defining clear standards for when a veteran can access care outside of the VA, and initiates a review of the department’s infrastructure. The law also aims to reform the VA’s reimbursement and record-sharing systems for community providers.

For years, CVA has advocated for substantial health care reforms at the VA. In CVA’s Fixing Veterans Health Care Taskforce, the group advocates that veterans should have the option to take their earned health care benefits and use them to access care at the VA or in the private sector.

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