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CVA Launches Campaign to Stop Anti-Free Speech Efforts in Missouri

By Concerned Veterans for America

Arlington, VA – Concerned Veterans for America is running a new campaign urging lawmakers in the Missouri state legislature to oppose any and all attempts to limit the First Amendment rights of its citizens. The group is connecting Missourians with a promoted digital tool which allows them to call or email their state Senators in opposition to anti-free speech measures of any form.

The campaign comes on the heels of Senator Schaaf’s attempts to push SB 73, a bill which would allow the Missouri government to access the private information of its citizens in an attempt to discover what causes they support or believe in.

Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) Policy Director Dan Caldwell issued the following statement:  

“Citizens of Missouri should not have to live in fear of retaliation or harassment from their own government. Free speech includes anonymous speech, and Missourians have the right to privately support whatever causes, non-profits or charities they want. This is America – no one should be forced to publicly report what issues they care about. We urge members of the Missouri legislature to reject any and all attempts to chill free speech, shut down open debate and violate the First Amendment rights of its citizens. The government’s job is to protect its citizens, not vet their beliefs.”

Last year, CVA launched “Defend the First,” a project dedicated to beating back threats against free speech at the federal, state, and local levels.
