Grassroots veterans group spotlights Senator’s empty chair in Washington
MADISON, Wis. – Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) is launching a new, nearly million-dollar digital and television ad campaign urging Wisconsinites to vote against Tammy Baldwin this November.
The ad, “Empty Chair,” addresses the Senator’s poor track record of attending hearings of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, which is charged with oversight of federal agencies and programs vital to Wisconsinites, including the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
WATCH “Empty Chair”
CVA-Wisconsin Coalitions Director Luis Cardona had this to say:
“When Wisconsinites needed Senator Baldwin to speak for them, her absence spoke louder, and too many have suffered as a result. We cannot allow inaction and procrastination to become the norm. Wisconsinites deserve better.”
CVA Executive Director Dan Caldwell also released this statement:
“Senator Baldwin frequently talks about veterans as she campaigns around Wisconsin, but actions speak louder than words and by failing to attend meetings of a critical committee that oversees the VA, Senator Baldwin showed that veterans issues weren’t a priority for her. Time and again, when Wisconsinites needed her voice in Washington, Baldwin didn’t show up.”
For years, CVA has advocated for substantial reforms at the VA. CVA supports increasing accountability for VA employees, giving veterans more health care choice through the VA, and making the VA’s operations more transparent.