CVA Hosting Events to Give Voice to Women Veterans and Military Families in Orlando and West Palm Beach

By Concerned Veterans for America

CVA Hosting Events to Give Voice to Women Veterans and Military Families in Orlando and West Palm Beach

Arlington, Va.Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) will host events March 18 and 19 in Orlando and West Palm Beach to show appreciation for women veterans and military families and give them an opportunity to express their concerns regarding the VA and the unique challenges they face.

The first of the two events, a cocktail reception, will be held in Orlando, Friday, March 18, at the Hilton Orlando International from 6:00-9:00 p.m. The second event, a brunch, will be at the Mallet Grille, International Polo Club of Palm Beach, Saturday, March 19, from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. CVA hosts these events to raise awareness of issues unique to women who have served, and drive the conversation around a topic rarely discussed—those challenges specific to female veterans. On both a local and national level, we can work together to improve the VA’s ability to provide for women veterans. “The challenges that women veterans face are unique and can go beyond the physical realm of what the VA health care system is acclimated to treating—including unemployment and homelessness. In order to better tackle these issues, we need to band together and discuss the future of the female veteran,” said Central Florida CVA Director Joni Marquez. Event Information This event features an inspiring lineup of inspirational speakers including Navy SEAL Gold Star Mother and CVA Senior Military Families Advisor, Karen Vaughn, and former Apache helicopter pilot and CVA Senior Military Advisor Amber Smith. This event is free and open to the public and press. Attendees are asked to register on Eventbrite for Orlando and West Palm Beach.

Media can RSVP to CVA Press Secretary John Cooper at

To schedule a TV, print or radio interview with a CVA expert, please email For media inquiries or requests for comment, please email CVA Press Secretary John Cooper (


Concerned Veterans for America is a non-partisan, non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization that advocates for policies that will preserve the freedom and prosperity we and our families so proudly fought and sacrificed to defend.