CVA Calls Out False Rhetoric on Senate VA Appropriations Bill
Urges Senate Not to Cave on Spending Levels for VA
Arlington, Va. – Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) CEO Pete Hegseth issued the following statement in response to Senate Democrats’ blocking of the FY2016 Milcon/VA appropriations bill:
“CVA is disappointed to see some senators, such as Sen. Richard Blumenthal, attempt to mislead the American people regarding the 2016 VA appropriations bill.
“The bill increases discretionary spending at the VA by over 5 percent, yet Democrats are decrying it as a ‘cut.’
“Only in Washington is a budget increase considered a budget cut.
“Senators Blumenthal, Reid and their allies in Congress are being dishonest with veterans and with all taxpayers when they call this a ‘budget cut’ simply because it does not fully fund the president’s ill-advised budget proposal.
“The problem at the VA is not the budget – it is the bureaucracy, an ailment no amount of additional money can fix.
“Just two months ago, the VA was authorized to shift $3 billion – an amount more than the difference between the Senate VA appropriations bill and the president’s budget request – from the Choice Card fund into other programs. Despite this increased authority, the VA has shown that it is unable to competently manage taxpayer funds, and yet wants those same taxpayers to pay for their irresponsibility.
“CVA urges Senate leadership not to respond to this dishonest rhetoric by giving the VA another billion-dollar budget increase – especially with no commitment from the VA to fundamentally reforming the VA’s health care system. As the recent independent assessment of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) showed, the VHA needs a ‘system-wide reworking,’ not another blank check from the American taxpayer.”
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Concerned Veterans for America is a non-partisan, non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization that advocates for policies that will preserve the freedom and prosperity we and our families so proudly fought and sacrificed to defend.