CVA Applauds White House for Support of More Health Care Choices for Veterans

By Concerned Veterans for America

Grassroots group has been encouraging reforms to VA health care system, urging Congress to act. 

Arlington, Va. — Concerned Veterans for America is applauding the White House for pressing to expand health care choices for veterans as Congress crafts legislation in both chambers to stabilize and improve the VA health care system. The Military Times reported today that the White House wants Congress to set clearer eligibility standards for veterans seeking private care rather than leaving more decision-making in the hands of VA bureaucrats, and to require a plan to stabilize funding for the VA health care system.

CVA Executive Director Daniel Caldwell released this statement: 

“We applaud President Trump for taking a firm stand in favor of more health care choice for veterans at the VA. Like CVA, the President clearly recognizes there should be clear standards for when a veteran can access care in the community, and that vague guidelines can easily be undermined by bureaucrats hostile to increased choice. We are also pleased to see the White House support fiscally responsible budget offsets in this bill to ensure that the VA’s choice and community programs are sustainable in the future. Accordingly, we strongly urge lawmakers in both the House and Senate to adopt these recommendations for their respective VA community care reform bills.”

For further information or an interview, reach Chris Neefus at or (703) 517-4504. 


For years, CVA has advocated for substantial health care reforms at the VA. In CVA’s Fixing Veterans Health Care Taskforce, the group advocates that veterans should have the option to take their earned health care benefits and use them to access care at the VA or in the private sector.

Beyond advocating for stabilizing the VA health care system over the short term, the grassroots group recently thanked Rep. Lamborn and his cosponsors for introducing the Veterans Empowerment Act in the House of Representatives, a bill the group says is strong and would make many improvements to the VA. Read more here
